Uranium in carbonate rocks of the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif


Contents of uranium were measured using a laboratory gamma–ray spectrometer in 912 samples of Proterozoic and Palaeozoic carbonate rocks (limestones and marbles) from the eastern part of the Bohemian Massif. Most of the studied samples represent Devonian to Lower Carboniferous carbonate rocks of the Moravo-Silesian basin outcropping in the Moravian Karst as well as at Čelechovice na Hané, Hněvotín and Grygov (all near the town of Olomouc), Přerov and Hranice. Platform carbonates of the Macocha Fm. and deep-subtidal to basin–floor nodular limestones of the Líšeň Fm. (so-called Křtiny Lmst.) have only low uranium contents (about 1 ppm eU on average). Uranium contents in calciturbidites of the Líšeň Fm. in the Moravian Karst are relativelly high: carbonate beds contain 1.5 ppm eU, siliciclastic beds 2.9 ppm eU on average. Slightly increased uranium contents were found in a narrow zone (30 to 40 cm) in Hády-Říčka Lmst. close to the boundary of Macocha Fm./Líšeň Fm. in the Moravian Karst, and also in a phosphorite-rich horizon in limestones of the Líšeň Fm. (e. g., in the Hranice Karst area).

Moravo–Silesian basin; Moravian Karst; uranium; limestones; marbles; laboratory gamma–spectrometry

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