Preliminary report on the new findings of Mississippian trilobites in the Březina formation (Moravian karst, Czech Republic)


New fossiliferous layers of the Březina Formation were discovered in the valley of the Říčka Brook SSW of the village of Ochoz u Brna in 2011. Four taxa of trilobites were preliminary determined: Archegonus (Phillibole) cf. polleni (Woodward, 1894),Archegonus (Phillibole) cf. cauliquercus Brauckmann 1981, Liobole (Liobole) glabra proxima Chlupáč, 1966 and ?Spinibolesp. The newly discovered fossiliferous beds belong to the Viséan (Lower to ?Upper Viséan, approximately cu IIγ–cu IIδ). The occurrence of limestone pebbles and limestone cobbles in aleuropelitic shales was also recorded. The Late Tournaisian foraminifer Darjella monilis Malakhova, 1964 was discovered in a dark grey limestone cobble derived from the Hády-Říčka limestone sequence of the Líšeň Formation.

Moravian Karst; Březina Formation; Mississippian; Viséan; trilobites

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