New knowledge about a neovolcanic rock at Pohoř near Odry (district Nový Jičín)


The dyke on the Pohoř hill represents the most southeastern occurrence of Cenozoic volcanic rock in the Bohemian Massif. It has been studied since the second half of the 19th century, when it was discovered during a construction of railroad. Since that time the dyke has been considered to be hidden and there was no actual data about the site. We have carried out a ground magnetic survey to revise the location and shape of the volcanic body. Several boulders of the volcanic rock have been sampled. According to new petrographical and geochemical analyses we have classifi ed the rock from Pohoř as an olivine melilitite.

Cenozoic volcanism; (Oligocene); olivine melilitite; geomagnetic survey; volcanic dyke

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