Comparison of the results of classical analytical methods with a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer in the map sheets 1 : 25 000 Brno-North and Mokrá-Horákov


New subchapter Geochemistry of soil cover in the chapter of the Geochemistry examines geochemical character of the forestry soils or soils that are not agriculturally used. For displaying of the results of the geochemical character of soils is best to use contour maps. For creating of contour maps is need for a large number of samples. The conventional laboratory methods of analysis are very expensive and consumed time. In addition to analysis performed conventionally laboratory methods FAAS, HGAAS and stationary XRF, these samples were analysed by the portable XRF spectrometer Alpha 4000 too. An accuracy of the portable XRF measurement was verified in five geo-referenced materials. Method of the portable XRF against to conventional laboratory methods is quick and cheap. Creating of the geochemical maps of soils 1 : 25,000 is needed to cover the whole map sheet regular grid sampling points. The results show that not all elements are measured with the same reliability. Therefore, it is appropriate to measure of the portable XRF to analyse by conventional laboratory methods about 10% of the total number of samples collected to evaluate the reliability the results.

soil geochemistry; portable XRF; accuracy; geo-referenced materials

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