Dripwater hydrogeochemistry and dynamics in Výpustek Cave (Moravian Karst)


Hydrogeochemistry and dynamics of selected drips was studied in Výpustek Cave (Moravian Karst). It was found that rainfall only weakly correlate with drip rate, despite a fundamental relation between both the variables. The drip rate was decreasing at all the studied sites, as rainfalls were insufficient to refill water in the epikarstic perched reservoirs. The drip rate and dripwater conductivity were positively correlated, probably due to water mixing in vadose zone fissures and epikarst. The pH and water conductivity were negatively correlated as an impact of partial pressures of epikarstic CO2. A hint of negative correlation between drip rate and pH is probably the result of water degassing dynamics.

dripwater dynamics; electric conductivity; pH; rainfall; perched reservoir; Výpustek Cave

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