Natural radioactivity of metamorphic and igneous rocks on the map sheet 14-23 Králíky


The aim of the paper is to inform about natural radioactivity of metamorphic and igneous rocks on the map sheet 14-23 Králíky. The area covering the map sheet belongs to the Lugicum (Orlica-Śnieżnik Unit, Staré Město Group, and a so-called tonalite sill) and to the Silesicum (Velké Vrbno, Keprník and Branná Groups, and small granitoid intrusions near the town of Hanušovice). Contents of potassium, uranium and thorium were measured using a laboratory gamma–ray spectrometer in 988 rock samples. Data are tabeled and discussed.

Lugicum; Silesicum; gamma-spectrometry; natural radioactivity

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