Comparison of subvolcanic dykes in the Brno Massif and Boskovice Furrow


Basic subvolcanic rocks in the Brno Massif and Boskovice Furrow can be classified as basalts, basaltic andesites, andesite, alkalic basalts and microdiorites. Rocks from both units show similar geochemical characteristics, which indicate post-collisional withinplate extensional geotectonic settings. Generally show subalkaline affinity and calc-alkaline character sometime with some tholeiitic signatures. Primary mineral assemblage of the studied rocks is aff ected by post-magmatic replacement (chloritization, carbonatization and albitization). Even some samples exhibit K, Rb, Ba depletion and Na enrichment as a consequence of hydrothermal alteration.

Brno massif; Boskovice furrow; subvolcanic rocks; chemical composition; hydrothermal alteration

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