Post-Palaeozoic geological history saved in sedimentary record of Miocene remnants in Brno-Líšeň


Recent operation in the Kalcit Quarry near Brno-Líšeň exposed contact of Devonian limestones with overlying Miocene sediments. Calcareous silts with chert debris and non-calcareous clays fi lling the cleft s in the limestone are Middle Miocene in age (Lower Badenian). They contained association of translucent heavy minerals derived from Drahany Culmian formations and the Brno Massif. Fossil content comprised conodonts and foraminifers weathered off the Lower Carboniferous limestones, brackish gastropods reworked from the Rzehakia Beds (Ottnangian) and foraminifers reworked from Karpatian and Lower Badenian clays. Overlying grey gravelly sand contained varied association of heavy minerals reworked from post-Jurassic products of tropical weathering and block of Paleogene silcrete. Finally, the Lower Badenian Brno Sands capping the section contained rich pseudoassociation of foraminifers reworked from the Karpatian and Badenian sediments nearby as well as Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene foraminifers from more distant edge of the Carpathian Flysch Belt.

Carpathian Foredeep; Miocene; Cretaceous; Quaternary; heavy minerals; biostratigraphy; Foraminifera; Mollusca

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