Dynamic modelling of kaolin deposits on example of the Jimlíkov-East deposit


This paper focuses on research within the project TE02000029 Competence Centre for Effective and Ecological Mining of Mineral Resources, granted by The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, and, more specifically, on the research within its work package WP4 – Spatial modelling of mineral deposits. The focus of this work package is digital modelling of selected non-energetic raw materials, which belong to the critical commodities, as defined by the European Union. For modelling these deposits, suitable mathematical procedures, based on study and re-evaluation of archived data, are needed. One of the selected deposits is a kaolin deposit near the village Jimlíkov near the city Karlovy Vary. In this paper, we show a step-by-step procedure for creation, visualization and evaluation of a 3D model of the deposit. This methodology, along with our recently developed soft ware allows a user to create a variant of this dynamic model for the same or similar types of deposits, enables rapid updating of these models when adding or changing the input data on the basis of new mining exploration or when changing modelling parameters, such as using multiple variations interpolation parameters. Our methodology leads to a more advanced deposit evaluation, including adaptive estimates of the reserves based on the usability requirements we choose.

3D modelling; EU commodities; kaolin deposit; visualization; estimates of reserves

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