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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines



Paper arrangement:

  • Title  

            in English

  • Authors

John Green 1, Inge Schneider 2 …

  • Address

1 complete address including postcode, e-mail

2 complete address including postcode, e-mail

  • Map sheet number (1:50 000)

e.g. 24-14 Boskovice

  • Key words:

in English - up to 5, beginning with regional geologic unit (Silesicum, ...)

  • Abstract

in English: 15–25 lines of text, of 200 words summarizes substantial results in English and gives information on used methods, fundamental data and their interpretation

  • Main text body

in English, 12-point Times New Roman text font, line spacing 1.5. English usage should be of high quality, and the text should be written clearly and organized effectively. The main text body should be arranged according to usual format of scientic papers (Introduction, Material & methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, and References). Interpretations and conclusions should supported by data and analyses. Do not format the text and headings. Do not use word hyphenation. Beginning of paragraph is not indented and paragraph is ended by ENTER. Citations in text should follow this format: Chlupáč (1994); (Liew et al. 1989); (Franke 1994, Kalvoda 1995); (Šalanský in Prouza 1992); (Graham – Powel 1984). Place the table and figure abbreviations at the end of text. Do not insert any figures and tables to the text. Range of at least 3, up to 56 pages format of A4.

  • References

use full journal names and each punctuation mark must be followed by space.


Journal: Kompasová B. – Poledník S. (2011): Kterak zameziti pohybu střelky v cizím magnetickém poli. – Orientační rozhledy, 28, 4, 14–18.

Book: Kompasová B. – Poledník S. (2012): Kterak zameziti pohybu střelky v cizím magnetickém poli. – 511 pp. Bloudivá instituce. Brno.

Proceedings: Kompasová B. – Poledník S. (2013): Kterak zameziti pohybu střelky v cizím magnetickém poli. – In: Obratník K. (ed./eds.): Orientace v terénu, Sborník abstraktů, 14–18, Bloudivá instituce.

Unpublished manuscript: Kompasová B. (2014): Orientace v terénu. – MS, Bachelor thesis. Faculty of Science, Masaryk University. Brno.

ISO standards: ISO 14688-1:2002. Geotechnical investigation and testing – Identification and classification of soil – Part 1: Identification and description. – International Organization for Standardization. Geneva.


Tables. Produced using table editor (optimally EXCEL, *.xls), 10 point Ariel font - submit as separate file.

Figures: Line drawings in vector format must be contrast and clear. Black and white patterns as an area fill are preferred over grey scale. The text in figures should use Arial Narrow font – minimum size 8 points, are prefered picture in Corel Draw version 13 and lower. BW photographs may be submitted in TIFF, JPG, and WMF formats (600 dpi). All figures should be submitted in print size (80–164 mm wide, 225 mm high). Figure and table abbreviations (Tab. 1:, Fig. 1:) including text legends are ended by dot. Photographs abbreviations should give author and year information. Graphic legend is component part of figure, while its text explanation is part of abbreviation (not in figure).


After reading by reviewers you will receive your manuscript back for corrections. The editorial board reserves right to refuse the manuscript that does not follow the instructions.


Pokyny pro autory CZ (PDF)

Instructions for authors EN (PDF)