
The concentrations of heavy metals in Nové Mlýny basins were monitored during period of one year. There were evaluated concentration profiles of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn across basins, calculated mass balance and performed thermodynamic modeling of stability for each heavy metal. The main results are as follows: heavy metal concentrations are higher during cold period of year; the ne t mass balance is well balanced, the main fraction of each heavy metal is in water as free ion and concentrations of heavy metals in bottom sediments are higher in inflows than in basin sediments. The changes of heavy metals concentrations in water are very fast during the year, the periods of concentration increase are followed by concentration drop, and retention is replaced by release of metals. The net result depends on their reciprocal proportions. In general the Nove Mlyny basins display very stabilizing effect on river system.

Klíčová slova:
Dynamics; geochemical modeling; mass balance; water

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