
Three representative sections of Hády-Říčka Lmst., Líšeň Fm., located near Grygov, Central Moravia, were studied with respect to conodont biostratigraphy, conodont biofacies and carbonate microfacies. A major part of the carbonate unit was deposited within the Lower, Middle and Upper Pa. expansa Zone and presumably also in the lowest part of Si. praesulcata Zone, creating a prominent coarsening upward succession of deeper-water skeletal and intraclastic calcarenites and calcirudites (gravity-flow deposits). Carbonate deposition was interrupted in early Si. praesulcata Zone. Following a long-term hiatus, which developed presumably due to sea-level fall related to Gondwana glaciation, the overlying skeletal-peloidal calcarenites started to be deposited in latest Si. sandbergi Zone or earliest Lower Si. crenulata Zone. Carbonate sedimentation persisted in the area at least to the latest part of Si. isosticha - Upper Si. crenulata or the earliest part of Lower Gn. typicus Zone.

Klíčová slova:
Moravian-Silesian basin; Devonian - Carboniferous boundary; conodont biostratigraphy; carbonate microfacies

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