
In this paper there are described the litology and petrology of the Pústevny and Malinovská skála Sandstone, which represent two informal members of the Godula formation s.s. (Turonian - Campanian, Santonian) of the Silesian Unit in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. Pústevny Sandstone is thick bedded green-gray graywacke or arkose sandstone petrographically similar to the typical sandstone of the Godula Formation. Malinovská skála Sandstone has the same character as the sandstone of the Istebná formation - thick bedded gray or light gray graywacke or arkose (with microcline). Pústevny and Malinovecká skála Sandstone were deposited as turbidities and fluxuturbidities in the proximal facies of channels on Godula submarine fans. The detritus of the older Pústevny Sandstone were derivated from the crystalline and sedimentary rocks of the Silesian Cordillera. The source area of the younger Malinovská skála Sandstone was also the granitic core of this cordillera.

Klíčová slova:
Silesian Unit; Godula Formation; Pústevny sandstone; Malinovská skála sandstone; lithostratigraphy; turbidities

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