
Variscan hydrothermal calcite±quartz veins have been investigated by microthermometric and isotopic methods (O, C, Sr). Veins are located in the Hády-Říčka Limestones within a black coloured shear-thrust zone in the Růenin quarry at the Hády Hill. Organic matter in rocks has been transformed and aqueous and organic fluids have been derived by deformation processes and elevated temperature. The coexistence of CH4±CO2 and H2O-NaCl fluids trapped in fluid inclusions enabled to calculate P-T trapping conditions and formation of hydrothermal phases. Revealed pressure and temperature represent local conditions within shear zone, T = 130° - 250°C, P = 180-1200 bar. They exceeding regional parameters as a result of friction within rocks during a deformation event.

Klíčová slova:
Moravian karst; Palaeozoic; quartz-calcite veins; P-T conditions; hydrocarbons

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