Přirozená radioaktivita horninového prostředí speleoterapeutických léčeben v Císařské jeskyni a Sloupskošošůvských jeskyních (Moravský kras, Česká republika)



The article summarizes results on gamma-spectrometry of rocks (both field and laboratory) in the speleotherapeutic centres in the Císařská Cave and Sloup-Šosůvka Caves (Moravian Karst). Based on the mean value of mass activity equivalent 226Ra about 125 Bq kg-1, clastic sediments (cave soils and fluvial sediments) were identified as main source of natural radioactivity in both the caves. The concentrations of individual elements were 1.7 wt. % K, 2.2 ppm U, and 11 ppm Th on average.

Klíčová slova:
Moravian Karst; natural radioactivity; gamma spectrometry; Devonian limestones; cave sediments

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