
The Řídeč iron ore deposit of the Lahn-Dill type is located in the southernmost part of the Šternberk-Horní Benešov belt. The Jiří-Hugo Mine near Řídeč was in operation to 1947. Basic volcanites form the immediate footwall of an iron ore horizon which is covered with clastic sediments. All iron ore samples found on a heap at the Jiří-Hugo Mine represent one variety of ore: stilpnomelane ore with variable amounts of magnetite and calcite. The ore exhibits a banded structure – it consists of repeated, thin bands composed of black stilpnomelane scales and fine-grained magnetite, alternating with thin bands of calcite. Chamosite, siderite and ankerite are present in small amounts in some samples. Sulphides (pyrite, less abundant chalcopyrite, sporadically sphalerite) occur as disseminations in the ore. Chromite inclusions were found in magnetite. Hydrothermal veins are composed mainly of quartz, calcite, chamosite and stilpnomelane penetrate iron ore.
High-grade stilpnomelane-magnetite ores poor in calcite contain 51–56 wt. % of iron. Therefore, they are one of the richest iron-ore varieties mined at deposits of the Lahn-Dill type in the Šternberk-Horní Benešov belt and in the Vrbno Group.

Klíčová slova:
Šternberk-Horní Benešov belt; iron ore; magnetite; stilpnomelane; chamosite; ankerite

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