

This paper summarizes results of grain-size distribution of gravel bars and transport conditions in the context of sediment sources in the confl uence area of the Morávka and Mohelnice rivers (Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts). We deal with a hypothesis that general changes of grain-size distribution of gravel bars are controlled by disconnection in sediment flux in the Morávka River and, by contrast, that higher sediment delivery is related to the Mohelnice river basin. The second focus is the evaluation of fluvial transport parameters of a channel influenced by control works and sediment mining. Bed load transport research was conducted with the application of BAGS (Bedload Assessment for Gravel-bed Streams) spreadsheet-based program. Sediment analysis of the channel confluence showed limited sediment supply character indicated by coarser sediment delivery from the Morávka River. This fact is related to the effect of hungry water caused mainly by the Morávka Reservoir. On the other hand, the Mohelnice River displayed trends of relatively higher sediment delivery without potential disconnectivities in sediment flux. Results of this analysis brought an insight into a potential scheme of the future development of the studied reaches. We suppose preservation of recent trends in case of the occurrence of signifi cant changes in land use or watershed management.

Klíčová slova:
Subsilesian Unit; Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts; grain size analysis; sediment transport; Morávka River

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