

Fluid inclusions from large euedral grossularite porphyroblasts enclosed in marble (so called “fl oating garnets”) were studied. Grossularite occurs in the assemblage with wollastonite, vesuvianite, epidote, and other minerals in the contact metasomatic zone of the Variscan granitic Žulová Pluton (Silesian Unit, Jeseníky Mts., Czech Republic). “Floating garnets” formed from low-salinity aqueous fluids (1.2–4.7 wt. % NaCl eq.). The growth of crystals occurred in two stages, characterized by different homogenization temperatures (edge of the crystal 181–353 °C, centre of the crystal 321–362 °C) The formation of clathrate in some inclusions is consistent with the presence of methane (0.3–10.0 mol. %) confi rmed by Raman spectrometry. The position of isochores of primary fluid inclusions in P-T space suggest that the composition and density of the fluids are consistent with previously published estimates of P-T conditions for periplutonic metamorphism of the Žulová Pluton.

Klíčová slova:
grossularite; tactite; fluid inclusions; microthermometry; isochores; Žulová Pluton; Czech Republic

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