Výplň týlní deprese sesuvu mezi Židlochovicemi a Blučinou na severozápadním okraji Výhonu



The studied area is located in a small basin between between Strže („Cézavy“) and Výhon hills. The „Cézavy“ site is an important Bronze Age enclosed settlement. Geological setting was examined by coring and electric resistivity tomography. Selected horizons were dated by C14 method. Holocene infill of basin is composed of two sedimentary units: intra-basin facies of dark coloured lacustrin-swamp clayey-silty sediments and marginal facies of clayey-silty-sandy sediments. Basin of assymetrical shape is deepest near foothill of „Cezávy“, where started infilling of basin as soon as ~3600 BP or earlier. The basin is delimited by bodies of Miocene rocks. Geochronological model shows existence of swamps-lacustrine basins in a time span since 17th century BC till 18th centuriy AD. It indicates, that main cause that filled the basin is individual landslides. Every landslide event caused new spatial configuration of basins and elevations. Last significant events were probably extensive, historically recorded landslides in 70‘s of 18th century. Recent morphology was formed as late as in 19th century.

Klíčová slova:
Radiocarbon dating; ERT survey; lake and wetland deposits; slope deposits; landslides; Cézavy site; Bronze Age

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