

Several outcrops were made in fluvial sediments during the reconstruction of the Šošůvka part of the Sloup - Šošůvka show caves. The way of filling up of the cave passage can be considered from new profiles and from those made later.

Generally evolution in filling up of the passage from coarse-grained sediments (gravel) to fine-grained silty clays is observed. Is it only exceptional oldest profile A (Fig. 2) where partly calcified gravel (No. 1-3) had sank down into the Černá propast (shaft) and laminated fine-grained sand (No. 4) to silty clays were deposited in this depression. Superposed layers of gravel (No. 186) can be studied in profiles B (Fig. 3). Gravel on the bases of the outcrops C (Fig. 4) and D (Fig. 5) represented also probably this superposed sedimentation (No. 218, 220-221 on fig. 4)). Huge speleothem growth was occasionally interrupted by events of fine-grained clastic sedimentation of different intensity. These two types of sedimentation represent both quite warm and wet period. Cave passage was almost filled up and only silty clay transport could continue.

Minerals of the epidote and garnet groups play the main role in heavy mineral assemblages of coarse-grained sediments (gravel matrix or coarse-grained sand). It differs from fine-grained sand where increased amounts of hornblende and reduced garnet content are typical (Tab. 1 - No. 4 and 221).

Klíčová slova:
Moravian Karst; Sloup-Šošůvka caves; fluvial sediments

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