

The research in this study is focused on trace fossils of the Myslejovice Formation, which is one of the lithostratigraphical units in the Lower Carboniferous sequences of the Drahany Culm Basin that belongs to the large area of Rhenohercynian Zone of the Variscan orogenetic flysch belt. Ichnofossils have mainly been collected in the southeastern part, near Vyškov. The material comes from the collection of Mr. Veleslav Lang which is nowadays stored in the Regional Museum of Olomouc. From this collection total 615 specimens in 10 ichnogenera and 13 following ichnospecies were determined and redefi ned: ?Alcyonidiopsis isp., Cosmorhaphe isp., Dictyodora liebeana, Diplocraterion parallelum, Gordia isp., Chondrites cf. intricatus, Chondrites isp., Nereites missouriensis, Nereites isp., Phycosiphon incertum, Planolites beverleyensis, Planolites isp. and Rhizocorallium isp. The revised material comes from the following locations: Opatovice, Habrovany, Hamiltony, Ježkovice, Lhota, Luleč, Myslejovice, Nemojany – Blatická dolina, Nemojany, Otaslavice, Pístovice, Radslavice and Rychtářov. The overall character of ichnoassemblages indicates conditions of Nereites ichnofacies, which is typical for the distal parts of the suprafan turbidite lobes. Compared to other areas of Culm facies in Middle Europe, assemblages of the Myslejovice Formation belong among the less diversified.

Klíčová slova:
Český Masiv; moravskoslezská jednotka; myslejovické souvrství; spodní karbon; Drahanská vrchovina; fosilní stopy; asociace; Bohemian Massif; Moravosilesian Unit; Myslejovice Formation; Lower Carboniferous; Drahany Upland; Trace Fossils; associations.

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