

The calc-silicate rocks (skarns) of the Keprník Group in the Silesicum were influenced by regional metamorphism in the amphibolite facies and contain mineral assemblage : diopside - quartz - plagioclase - calcite - dolomite - titanite ± hornblende ± microcline ± biotite (phlogopite) ± chlorite ± minerals of zoisite-epidote group. From the accessoric minerals are current rutile, apatite, zircon and locally ore minerals. All present calcareous inosilicates and phyllosilicates have Mg-rich and Fe-poor composition.

The sulphidic mineralization connected with calc-silicate rocks (localities Hučivá Desná, Mlýnky a Bezný) is represented by two different ore types. The first ore type of disseminated or cluster structure are Fe-sulphides (pyrrhotite, pyrite) such as common accessories in rocks at localities Hučivá Desná and Mlýnky. Only at locality Bezný were founded Fe-sulphides of massive structures and rarely implications of banded structures too. The second ore type mainly of cluster structure is represented by galena with sphalerite, locally accompanied by pyrite and chalcopyrite. This ore type is adherent to the carbonate parts (in Hučivá Desná) or quartz veins (in Mlýnky) which are connected with calc-silicate rocks. The succession of ore minerals generally conforms with the sequence of sulphides in metamorphogene ores. Genesis of individual ore assemblages is similar in all localities. Ore mineralizations were probably connected with volcano-sedimentary protoliths of rocks and with later metamorphogene and hydrotermal processes which caused their mobilization and subsequent accumulation.

Klíčová slova:
Silesicum; Keprník Group; calc-silicate rocks; Ca-Mg skarns; ore mineralization

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