
The paper brinks a description of a few small granitoid outcrops (the Olomouc Massif) in the Upper Moravian Basin, which are believed to be a part of the Brunovistulicum. In addition to a short petrographic characterization the attention has been focussed on ground gamma-ray spectrometric determination of K, U, Th and magnetic susceptibility survey. The comparison with analogical data from the nearest outcrops of the Brunovistulicum, i. e. eastern granitoid part of the Brno Massif, has shown a substantial difference. In our opinion, the Olomouc Massif and the eastern part of the Brno Massif can not be connected together in so called Slavkov terrane as is supposed by Finger – Pin (1997).

Klíčová slova:
Brunovistulicum; central Moravia; granitoids; K; U; Th abundances; magnetic susceptibility

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