
Most provenance studies based on the Gazzi-Dickinson method of detrital mode analysis indicate that the flysch siliciclastics of the Nízký Jeseník Mts (Lower Viséan to lowermost Namurian) have recycled-orogen to dissected-arc provenance, but distinct stratigraphic shifts in sandstone composition were traced between individual formations. This provenance study reveals a distinct stratigraphic trend in sandstone composition in one of the flysch formations in the Nízký Jeseník Mts, the Moravice Formation of Upper Viséan age. This compositional trend reflects a distinct shift in general lithology in the source area from low-grade metamorphic / sedimentary lithology to high-grade metamorphic one. Gamma-ray spectrometry and magnetic susceptibility measurements show stratigraphic trends, which can be interpreted in similar terms as the results from the detrital-mode analysis. Two-variable statistics of individual detrital modes plotted against gamma-ray and magnetic susceptibility measurements reveals good correlation to exist between Kfeldspar contents and contents of U, Th and values of total activity as well as between total lithic grain contents and values of magnetic susceptibility.

Klíčová slova:
Moravo-Silesian Culm basin; sandstone provenance; Gazzi-Dickinson method; gamma-ray spektrometry; foreland basin

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