
Significant denudation and areal reduction of pre-Quaternary ridges and planation surfaces took place during the Pleistocene period in the area of Hrubý Jeseník Mts. Cryoplanation was structural controlled and the cryoplanation itself conditioned evolution of cryoplanation surfaces, cryoplantion terraces, tors, frost riven cliffs and scarps at the top area of the Hrubý Jeseník Mts.The watershead parts situated in homogenous and less resistant rocks were under influences of denudation, intensive frost weathering and eolian processes. The summit surface of the Vysoká hole Mt. (1464 m a.. s. l.) area (the top part of Pradědská hornatina Mts) has been analysed by surface-geophysical method of shallow seismic refraction. Georelief modifying by frost weathering has beed verified by geophysical measurements in the minimum depth of 13 m. On the southwestern cryoplanation terrace of Petrovy kameny (1438 m a. s. l.) the underlying rock was affected by frost weathering in the minimum depth of 10 m.

Klíčová slova:
Pradědská hornatina Mts.; etchplain; cryoplanation; frost weathering; geophysical methods

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