Klíčová slova:
Thrusting; folding; Moravian Karst
The limestones in Mokrá quarries (Moravian Karst) underwent complex folding and thrusting during the Variscan orogeny. Two systems of folds were recognised: the older one is oriented NNWSSE and refolded by a younger system of ENE–WSW direction. A precise stratigraphic research in combination with structural data made possible to interpret the 3D tectonics of the area as a large anticline plunging to the SE with the angle of 20°. The lower overturned branch of this anticline was ruptured and duplicated during thrusting in the end of folding. This structure was affected by several phases of brittle fracturing.
Thrusting; folding; Moravian Karst
Dvořák, J. – Friáková, O. – Hladil, J. – Kalvoda, J. – Kukal, Z. (1987): Geology of the paleozoic rocks in the vicinty of the Mokrá cement factory quarries (Moravian karst). – Sbor. geol. Věd, Geol., 42, 41–88. Praha.
Kalvoda J. (1996): Stratigrafie vápenců v lomu mokerské cementárny. – MS, Katedra geologie a paleontologie PřF MU. Brno.
Kalvoda J. (1997): Přechod karbonátové a kulmské sedimentace v širším okolí Mokré. – MS, Katedra geologie a paleontologie PřF MU. Brno.
Rez J. (2003): Strukturní analýza jižní části Moravského krasu v lomech Mokrá a okolí. – MS, diplomová práce PřF MU. Brno.