

Up to the present times, sporadic lamprophyric dykes have been described from almost all basic geological units at the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif excluding large area of Culmian sediments in the Drahany Upland. Our first finding of such rock was ascertained in the active quarry at the village of Rozstání - Baldovec in the central part of the Drahany Upland (Fig. 1). The magmatic rock forms only about 2 m thick dyke with a very steep dip (8590 °) and the NW - SE orientation. Besides phenocrysts of pyroxene and amygdales filled by chlorite and calcite, there are conspicuous phenocrysts of dark mica. The igneous rock has also substantially higher magnetic susceptibility (up to 35×10-3 SI units) comparing surrounding Culmian graywackes, conglomerates and shales of the Rozstání formation (only about 0,10,2 ×10-3 SI units). Using determination of major and trace elements, the composition of all basic rock-forming minerals by means of microprobe, we classified the rock as a minette. We suppose its Late CarboniferousPermian age because of typical geochemical signs of Hercynian lapmprophyres in the whole Europe (both incompatible element enrichment and abundant transition elements see Turpin, Velde, Pinte 1988). The origin of lamprophyric rocks at the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif is connected with extensional gravitational collapse of the Hercynian orogeny (Přichystal 1993, 1995).

Klíčová slova:
Drahany Upland; Rozstání - Baldovec quarry; lamprophyric dyke; chemical composition; hercynian minette

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