Patologické změny betonů panelových domů sídliště Brno-Komín



The study is focused on monitoring of irreversible changes in concrete prefabricates in dependence of degradation factors in conditions of town district agglomeration.
Attention is paid to degradation level of bonding agent and stone agent. The study applies metodes of polarization and electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, cathode-luminous metods also chemical analysis, partial EDX analysis. There is a detailed description of bonding agent and distinguishing of carbonates by staining. There is main dependence between the concentration of acid-producting oxids and the carbonation of concrete.
The depth profiling of carbonates formed during a natural carbonation of concrete exposed to rain have been measured. Carbonation presented by micrite calcite in samples of concrete prefabricates from the surface to about 4 cm depth was detected.

Klíčová slova:
Petrology; technical petrology; degradation of concrete; carbonation

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