Výskyt mramorů nedvědického typu na Klucanině u Tišnova


Calcite marbles and garnet-pyroxene skarnoids build elongated bodies (up to about 2 m thick) in mica schists closely associated with tourmaline and two-mica orthogneisses on Klucanina Hill, east of Tišnov. Mineral assemblages of the marbles – blue Cal+Ves+Grs ±Di±Wo±Qtz formed during regional metamorphism at low XCO2 ≤ 0.2. These assemblages are very similar to those from the Nedvědice marbles, Svratka Crystalline Unit. Wollastonite is almost entirely replaced by fibrous calcite. Also garnet-pyroxene skarnoids with the assemblage: Di+Grs+Ves+Czo and accessory zircon are very similar to those from Nedvědice. Occurrence of marbles and calc-silicate rocks is another evidence for classification of this rock complex on Klucanina Hill to the Svratka Crystalline Unit.

Klíčová slova:
calcite marble; skarnoid; blue calcite-vesuvianite-grossular assemblage; fluid phase; Svratka Crystalline Complex

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