Strukturně geologické a litologické zhodnocení pozice a charakteru jurských vápenců v lokalitě Skalička (Západní Karpaty)


A small quarry close to the Skalička village near the Hranice city exposes a thin sequence of Jurrasic limestones. The limestones are mostly massive but occasionally well stratified with alternating fine-grained thin-bedded white limestone and grayish limestone with bioclasts. In the eastern part of the quarry, overturned geopetal structures and normal grading (defined by bioclasts of arenite to rudite size in a fine-grained matrix) occur. Fractures are common in the limestones. Some of them in the western part of quarry are filled with green calcareous sediments, probably of Cretaceous age. Beds are steeply inclined to the North in the western part of the quarry while in the eastern part they are slightly inclined to the NNE and overturned. The fold axis is plunging to the East.

Klíčová slova:
extrenal Western Carpathians; tectonics; limestone; stratigraphy; Jurassic

Houša, V. (1976): Spodnokřídové formace doprovázející tělesa tithonkých vápenců u Štramberka. – Čas. Slez. Mus. (Opava), ser. A, 25, 119-131.
Houša, V. – Scheibner, E. – Stráník, Z. (1963): Tithonian stratigraphy of Western Carpathians. – Geol. Sbor. Slov. Akad. Vied, 14, 1, 3-17.
Panoš, V. (1964): Report on fossil karst forms research in reef limestones of the Štramberg-Highland (Western Carpathians). – Zpr. Geogr. Úst. ČSAV, 5, 1. Opava.
Eliáš, M. (1972): Sedimentárně petrografická charakteristika slezské a podslezské jednotky na území listu Milotice nad Bečvou. – MS, Geofond Praha.





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