Co přinesla revize mělkých naftových vrtů Cf-600 Drnholec-5 a 7 pro řešení problému hranice karpat/spodní baden?



Lower and Middle Miocene sediments in the Cf 600 Drnholec-5 and Cf 600 Drnholec-7 wells were studied based on the examination of microfaunas (foraminifers) and well loggs.
We present an integrated synthesis of the stratigraphical Karpatian/Lower Badenian boundary. The Karpatian sediments belong to zones M4a, b sensu Berggren et al. (1995) and NN4 sensu Martini 1971. The Lower Badenian ones belong to zones M5a (Berggren et al. 1995) and NN4 (Martini 1971). The sediments of the upper part of the Karpatian strata and sediments of the Lower Badenian document deeper water than younger Lower Badenian ones.

Klíčová slova:
Cf 600Drnholec-5 and Cf 600 Drnholec-7 boreholes; Karpatian; Lower Badenian; foraminifers; well logs; correlations

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