Sedimentárně petrografická charakteristika půdních profilů na vybraných lokalitách Moravského krasu


A case study of karst soils was performed at sites on the Macocha Plateau (North part of the Moravian Karst) with different type of vegetation cover (spruce, mixed and deciduous forest). The soils were classified as degraded kambic rendzina and kambic rendzina in deciduous forest and spruce forest, respectively. Sandy fraction was dominant in almost all types and depths of soil profiles. A cumulative clay/silt fraction partly predominated near the surface. Gravel fraction predominated at the soil profile base. All gravel clasts were identified as micritic calcite and classified as sharp-edged and sub-spherical. Microfossils were identified in the samples from spruce forest (Amphiphora, Ostracoda). In clay/silt fractions, quartz was predominant mineral and plagioclase was less abundant. Clay minerals as chlorite, illite, kaolinite, and smectite were proved just qualitatively. The organic matter content decreased with depth of soils profiles in spruce forest, probably as a result of organic matter degradation. In contrast, organic matter content was nearly invariant across the soil profile in deciduous forest. The calcite content increased with depth in all soil profiles. A total Ca removal in the upper parts of profiles is probably due to mineral dissolution by acid pore solutions. Calcite found in deeper parts of soil profiles indicates that this acidity has been neutralized in the upper part of the profiles.

Klíčová slova:
composition; depth; karst; mineral; profile; soil; vegetation

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