Nacházelo se ve Woldřichově jeskyni na Stránské skále skutečně ohniště?


The Stránská skála hill (Brno, Moravia, Czech Republic) is a typical locality of the Cromer Interglacial. The new cave was found in the Stránská Skála rock at the beginning of the 20th century.The first palaeontological finds was made by J. N. Woldřich. There was a fireplace in the opinion of Woldřich with bones of the game. The fireplace from Cromer Interglacial age with the bones of Hyaena brevirostris, Ursus deningeri, Homotherium moravicum, Mammonteus trogontherii, Equus süssenbornernsis, Bison schoetensacki, Bos primigenius is to be found in this cave. The paper deals with the discovery of the cave, with Woldřich´s opinion of the fireplace and localizes the probably place of this cave. The opinions of experts to the presence of the fireplace was various. The last researches verify the validity of the Woldřich´s original interpretation.The fireplace of the Cromer Interglacial is the oldest fireplace in the Central Europe.

Klíčová slova:
Czech Republic; Stránská Skála; Woldřich´s cave; fireplace; Cromerian; phyto- and zoopalaeontological finds

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