Příklad sedimentace v malých antropogenně ovlivněných tocích: petrografie a mineralogie jemnozrnných fluviálních sedimentů v prostoru Libeň-Klecany


Petrography and mineralogy of sediments from tributaries of the Vltava River between Libeň and Klecany reflect an example of sedimentation in a small stream influenced by anthropogenic activity. Nevertheless, the studied material mostly corresponds to the rocks of the bedrock. The concentration of heavy minerals depends on their stability, petrology and anthropogenic influence. The grain size of stream sediments ranges from gravel to clay. The amount of individual components depends on the site and conditions of origin. Changes in the grain size are controlled by channel morphology and anthropogenic influence. Petrography, mineralogy and the grain size of sediments along the stream course depend on many factors and do not fit the classic idea of sediment distribution in streams. They rather show sedimentation typical for a rejuvenated part of the stream course with relicts of older sedimentation.

Klíčová slova:
fluvial sediments; heavy minerals; enviromental geology

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