Gravitační rozpad hřbetu Čertova Mlýna (Moravskoslezké Beskydy)
Silesian Unit represents a geological structure which is highly affected by deep-seated gravitational slope deformations on many places. One of famous examples of spreading of a mountain ridge is located on the elevation of Čertův Mlýn Mt. in the highest part of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. Besides typical displays of double ridges, crevice-type caves, counter-scarp slopes and shallow landslides there are huge tectono-gravitational block deformations. Some manifestations of gravitational spreading were dated to the period of quite young Holocene (Subboreal-Subatlantic). Geophysical measurement revealed that gravitational deformations prograde to the depth even in areas without observable topographic manifestations.
Silesian Unit; Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts.; deep-seated landslides; electrical resistivity tomography; Holocene
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