Postkolizní magmatická žíla od Dolního Údolí u Zlatých Hor (Hrubý Jeseník)
Devonian phyllites of the Vrbno Group located near village of Dolní Údolí (W of Zlaté Hory) are crosscut by undeformed 1 m thick mafic dyke. Using whole-rock geochemistry and composition of all main rock-forming minerals, we classified the rock as a porphyric microdiorite (with biotite and plagioclase phenocrysts). Trace elements of this dyke indicate post-collisional geotectonic setting. The dyke shows LREE enrichment with pronounced negative Eu anomaly. The chondrite-normalized spidergram patterns after Pearce (1983) reveal TNT (Ta-Nb-Ti) negative anomaly, which is typical for calc-alkaline lamprophyres (Rock 1991). The origin of calc-alkaline lamprophyres at the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif (Moravo-Silesian region) may be connected with extensional gravitational collapse of the Hercynian orogen (Přichystal 1993). Cognate model can be supposed for the new microdiorite dyke.
Silesicum; Vrbno Group; hercynian dyke; porphyric microdiorite; chemical composition
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