Výsledky strukturního studia kulmských sedimentů v okolí Suchdolu nad Odrou



The article informs about preliminary results of the structural study of the Culm sediments near Suchdol nad Odrou. ESE-vergent asymmetric tectonic folds of km order represent the dominant structure found in the studied region. These folds are a part of the Variscan ESE-vergent fold-thrust system formed in the eastern part of the Nízký Jeseník region (for instance Grygar – Vavro 1995). The products of shear deformation (duplexes, asymmetric folds of dm order, striation), connected with folding, were studied at several sites in the region near Suchdol nad Odrou. These shear structures are known also from other regions on the SE margin of the Nízký Jeseník Upland (Havíř et al. 2003). At one site (site G150, S of Fulnek), the sharp folds of dm order with predominantly steep fold axes were found. The origin of the folds at site G150, which orientation differs from characteristic orientations of fold structures studied at other sites, is not reliably interpreted.

Klíčová slova:
Moravian-Silesian Palaeozoic; Variscan compression; orientation of structures; folds

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