Depoziční prostředí a provenience spodnopaleozoických klastik ve vrtu Měnín-1, jjz. od Brna



An unusual, more than 1.7 km thick successions of Paleozoic siliciclastic strata were drilled in an intermittently cored Měnín-1 borehole in 1973. The boundary between the Cambrian and Devonian siliciclastics has recently been localized at the drilling depth of 473 m, i.e. only 70 m below the base of the limestones. Several facies that identify similar depositional environments were found both in the numerous Cambrian sedimentary fills and thin Devonian siliciclastics. There were repeated changes between the terrestrial and shallow marine conditions, but the previling volumes of these siliciclastics were probably deposited in environments of braided deltas. The chemical compositions of detrital garnets and tourmalines sampled from both the Cambrian and Devonian sediments identify a similar material sources. Metasediments, mainly gneisses and schists as the main source rocks, were identified for the oldest parts of the Lower Cambrian stratal succession. Higher in these successions, a gradual decrease of granitoids in the Lower Cambrian source rocks was proved. Above the major, Lower Cambrian–Middle Devonian hiatus, the composition of translucent heavy mineral assemblage is strongly affected by redeposition from older sediments.

Klíčová slova:
siliciclastics; sedimentary environments; heavy minerals; sediment provenance; Cambrian; Devonian; Southern Moravia

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