Výsledky mapování a stratigrafických výzkumů v račanské jednotce na listu Horní Bečva



In the frame of geological mapping in scale 1:25 000, stratigraphy of the Rača Unit comprising the Rajnochovice, Kaumberg, Soláň, Beloveža and Zlín Formations was revised on the map sheet Horní Bečva. The Vigantice Klippe consisting of the Kurovice Limestone is newly interpreted as the nappe outlier of the Rača Nappe. Deep-water foraminifera dominated by agglutinated forms were extracted from limestone using the acetolysis. Known occurrences of Lower Cretaceous black flysch of the Rajnochovice Formation were revised and most of them reassigned to younger strata. The type area of the Soláň Formation was studied in detail for the first time. Several horizons of variegated shale were observed within the formation.

Klíčová slova:
Carpathian Flysch; Rača Unit; stratigraphy; Cretaceous; Paleogene

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