Stratigrafie křídových pestrých oceánských vrstev karpatského flyše na Moravě


Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds are widely distributed through individual tectonic units of the Carpathian Flysch. New stratigraphic research of these strata using integrated biostratigraphy (Foraminifera, Dinoflagellata, calcareous nannofossils) was done in the Silesian, Foremagura, Rača, Bílé Karpaty units and Ultrahelvetikum at the territory of the Czech Republic. Total range of the red beds was proven from the Albian to the Lower Paleocene. Its base and top is heterochronous in different facial zones. The red beds reached their maximum spatial extent during the Turonian. Generally, the time span of the red beds is gradually reduced from abyssal to slope facies and from inner to outer zones. The influx of terrigenous organic matter terminated the red beds in the Carpathian Flysch.

Klíčová slova:
Carpathian Flysch; Cretaceous; oceanic red beds; biostratigraphy; foraminifera; dinoflagellata; nannofossils

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