Fosilní sesuvem hrazené jezero v údolí Babínku (Vsetínské vrchy): příspěvek k poznání holocenního vývoje reliéfu flyšových Karpat


Sedimentary sequences deposited in the fossil landslide dammed lake have been studied in the Babínek Brook valley. High variability of sediments in the stratigraphic profiles shows repeated changes in the depositional conditions connected with climatic changes during the Holocene. Radiocarbon dating of organic samples from different layers of the profiles sets the minimum age of the slope deformation (and of the beginning of the impoundment sedimentation) to the Boreal Chronozone (8 730 ± 220 BP) and pin-points the significant changes in the sedimentation dynamics during the Subboreal, Subatlantic and Subrecent Chronozones (5630 ± 150 BP – 610 ± 110 BP).

Klíčová slova:
Magura Unit; landslide damming; sedimentary record; radiocarbon dating; Holocene

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