Fosilní pobřežní valy na břehu sarmatského jezera


Geophysical measurements and three shallow boreholes were realised in the surrounding of Velké Bílovice city. In the boreholes four intervals were determined based on the lithology. On the basis of foraminifers, ostracods and molluscs, the sediments were assigned to the Sarmatian and Karpatian. Sarmatian sediments of the Bílovice Formation belong to the Porosononion granosum and Elphidium hauerinum zones. Sands in the lower part of the J-3 borehole contain impoverished reworked fauna from flysch sediments of the Rača and/or Ždánice Unit and Karpatian (Laa Formation). We suppose that the sands of the J-3 borehole could be interpreted as dunes/barrier beaches.

Klíčová slova:
Vienna Basin; Miocene; Georadar; Micropaleontology

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