Kryopediment v údolí Litavy východně od Bučovic, Středomoravské Karpaty


Borings as well as test pits (Fig. 1) are evidence, that the foot slope surface (gradient 3–5°) in the Litava River valley between Brankovice and Nesovice villages (Central-Moravian Carpathians) on soft flysch rocks may be considered as an erosion surface. The previous river terrace together with its base and the uppermost part of the flysch bedrock were during the Middle and especially the Late Pleistocene in periglacial (cryogenic) environment eroded. Due to intersection of dell-sides, as well as directly on the footslope surface operating sheet wash and gelifluction, the landsurface has been lowered. Simultaneously backslope recession cannot be rejected. Hence, on the locality Brankovice – Nesovice, and thus in the entire Czech Republic, a first example of a composite-cryopediment developed both due to downwearing (in our case the major process) and backwearing, has been described.

Klíčová slova:
composite-cryopediment; fluvial terrace; downwearing; backwearing

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