Aktivita radiocesia a přirozených radioaktivních prvků v sedimentech Plumlovské přehrady a přirozená radioaktivita hornin snosné oblasti



The concentrations of natural radioactive elements (K, U, Th) and activity of radiocaesium were measured using a laboratory gamma-ray spectrometer in 87 samples of sediments from the Plumlov Dam. Potassium, uranium and thorium contents in the studied dam sediments are relatively low and correspond to that in siliciclastic sediments of the Protivanov, Rozstání and Myslejovice Fms. (graywackes, siltstones, silty shales, clay shales, conglomerates) in the southern part of the Moravian-Silesian Culm. The calculated natural mass activity of the dam sediment is from 117 to 189 Bq.kg-1, in average 144 Bq.kg-1. Activity of radiocaesium in the dam sediments is very low and reaches only 15 Bq.kg-1 at maximum. Those sediments do not represent any risk from the point of view of radioactivity. In the present times the Plumlov Dam is let out, dam sediments are excavated and redeposited on nearby fields.

Klíčová slova:
Moravian-Silesian Culm; dam sediments; gamma-spectrometry; natural radioactive elements; radiocaesium

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