Přirozená radioaktivita granitoidů a metagranitoidů brunovistulického teránu na území České republiky



Contents of potassium, uranium and thorium were measured, using a laboratory gamma-ray spectrometer, in 712 samples of granitoids and metagranitoids as well as accompanied dioritoids, aplites and pegmatites from the Czech part of the Brunovistulian terrane. Most of the studied rocks belong to the Dyje-Ivančice Massif, Slavkov Massif and Desná Unit. All studied granitoids, metagranitoids and blastomylonites show a low natural radioactivity. Granitoids from the southern part of the Brunovistulian terrane (Dyje-Ivančice Massif) have considerably higher natural radioactivity than those found in more northern parts of the Brunovistulian terrane (Slavkov Massif, Svratka Massif, small granitoid bodies in the surroundings of Olomouc, and Desná Unit).

Klíčová slova:
Brunovistulian terrane; granitoids; gamma-spectrometry; natural radioactive elements

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