3D analýza v prostředí GIS: konstrukce průběhu hranic geologi ckých těles na příkladu stavby území mapového listu 25-231 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm



The aim of this paper is to inform about new possibilities and methods of construction of geological boundaries in geographical information systems (GIS). These methods allow faster and easier creation of geological maps in the appropriate areas. In this paper we describe methods using the raster digital elevation model (DEM) or vector triangular irregular network (TIN) for construction boundaries of dipping beds. Tools for construction of geological boundaries in the ArcGIS (ESRI) software environment and plug-in for open-source software OpenJUMP were developed. These tools are based on the fact that in some cases it is possible to use inclined plane as a simplified representation of the geological layer. The results were verified on the area covering the map sheet 25-231 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm which was suitable for an application of presented methods.

Klíčová slova:
GIS; 3D analysis; construction of geological boundaries; DEM; Silesian unit

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Podpora ARCDATA Praha (2011): http://www.arcdata.cz/podpora, březen 2011.
ESRI support (2011): http://support.esri.com, duben 2011.





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