Korelace dat letecké, pozemní a laboratorní gamaspektrometrie na tělesech durbachitů



The first object of this article was a comparison of the air-borne gamaspetrometry’s data extracted from a geophysical map that had been realized in 2005 by the Miligal s. r. o. company within the frame of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University’s project named Inchembiol, with data obtained by the field and laboratory gamaspectrometries. The second aim was to test the influence of various cover’s types and measuring geometry on the accuracy of gamaspectrometry’s measurements. The comparison’s results revealed important differences in concentrations measured by each of previous mentioned gamaspectrometries, particularly by the air-borne geophysics and field and laboratory gamaspectrometries. Furthermore, differences between the measurings in the holes and on the surface were recorded due to a high snow cover.

Klíčová slova:
durbachite; gamaspectrometry; Řikonín; Velké Meziříčí

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