Destrukce kalcitových speleotém v jeskyních Moravského krasu



Speleothem extensive damage was observed in the Moravian Karst caves during the last 20–30 years. It covers corrosion and falling of straw stalactites especially. Both the processes were studied in the Amatérská Cave and the Punkevní Caves, the sites where the damage is most extensive. The results indicate that corrosion dominates in the Amatérská Cave whereas speleothem falling seems more extensive in the Punkevní Caves. Based on fissile cracks in calcite wall, the falling was interpreted as result of a mechanical damage. As the corrosion impact was found only on the outer site of stalactite wall, it was interpreted as consequence of calcite dissolution by condensed water (condensation corrosion). An anthropogenic impact is ambiguous.

Klíčová slova:
anthropogenic impact; cave; condensation; corrosion; destruction; fissure; straw stalactite

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