Paleonapjatostní analýza masivu hory Naranco (Asturie, Španělsko)



This work is focused on paleostress analysis of fault system from the Naranco Mt. The Naranco Mt. is situated north of Oviedo, the capital of province Asturias (northern Spain). Data were obtained from the southern slope of the Naranco Mt. The orientation of faults and striation on faults surface were measured separately by Clar compass. The data was processed by the program MARK2006. The orientation of bedding planes and joints as well as veins and stylolites (e.g. additional structures useful for determination of σ1 a σ3 directions) were plot using the Spheristat 2.2 software. Three phases of deformation were separated using the program MARK2006. The notable SSE–NNW compression and folding occurred obviously during thrusting.

Klíčová slova:
Kantabrian Zone; Asturian Arc; Devonian; Lower Carboniferous; paleostress analysis; faults; stylolites; veins

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