Krystalovaný siderit ze spodnokarbonských aleuropelitů v Hrabůvce (kulm Nízkého Jeseníku)



Fine siderite crystals form abundant druses coating walls of open fissures in the Lower Carboniferous aleuropelites of the Hrabůvka Quarry. Siderite crystals are composed of 76.2–78.9 mol. % siderite, 9.9–13.0 mol. % calcite, 9.5–11.0 mol. % magnesite, and 0.0–0.9 mol. % rhodochrosite. Locally, small isometric crystals of calcite (2.4–2.8 wt. % FeO, 0.1–0.2 wt. % MgO, 0.07–0.08 wt. % MnO) preceded crystallization of siderite. In addition, small colourless rhombs of almost pure calcite also can overgrow siderite crystals. Siderite contains small all-liquid aqueous fluid inclusions suggesting very low crystallization temperatures. Stable isotope data (δ13C = -6.1 ‰ PDB, δ18O = -5.4 ‰ PDB) are comparable to those of local Tertiary sediments and vein mineralizations that are partly associated with these sediments. It is concluded that the origin of the siderite was probably also related to the Cenozoic reactivation and associated fluid circulation.

Klíčová slova:
Moravo-Silesian Culm; Nízký Jeseník; ore vein; siderite; chemical composition; stable isotopes

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